4 types of content that persuade people to take action

When a singer performs a show in a jam pack hall, he knows thousands of fans waiting for his performance. Before dropping his first lyric, he needs to create an emotional attachment with each and every person in the crowd.

Have you ever think WHY?

Because if singer doesn’t change and affect any of  those excited fans, then those fans might as well listened to his music on their phones.

It’s the same scenario in Digital Marketing world. Audience reach isn’t end point. It’s a step on the way to deliver quality content to your people that can improve their lives in a positive way.

A lot of content on different topics gets publish every day. Point is that either your audience taking action after reading it? Does your content convert your reader in to your customer? Does it give same result and engagement that you are seeking?

What can you do to acquire your audience to action?  If you want your audience to take action then you have to discover something in them before they’ll follow through. For this purpose, you need to create an emotional connection that will invoke them to take outcomes you describe in your content.

Here are my 4 tips to achieve that

1.     Gain Your Audience Trust:

 You can’t work without your audience trust. So, if you want your people to follow you and do actions according to your needs, then you must earn their trust firstly and you have to do it without ever meeting them offline and this part is much tricky.

You can achieve your audience faith through a technique called “Halo Effect”. This technique refers to get people attention by transferring their emotions about things they know with to other unrelated attributes.

You can attain halo effect in following ways:
  • Use a well known expert personality.
  • Featured public features or famous brands in support of your brand
  • Tell peoples your organization being involved in charity tasks. It’ll give more audience to your company as well as halo effect. 

1.     Tell Stories:

Writing your content as a story is much effective to persuade your reader to take action. Story if it heard, affect your brain to evoke your emotions, especially if the story is giving message similar to your core beliefs.

Let me tell you how to write a story to take your audience towards Call to Action, Follow these guidelines to write a perfect piece of content for your target audience.

Firstly introduce your topic. Regardless to your topic, draw a sketch for your readers that clearly describe the facts you will cover in your story. Tell your audience why they need to read your article? What do they will achieve from it? Answer these questions carefully. Support your arguments with facts, numbers and evidence. Hit your audience emotions and enforce them how your points make sense. Conclude your story in a way that told your audience what they learned and how that information can help them.

3.     Create Curiosity:

  Have you ever wondered why some normal website becomes so popular? How their content goes viral? Secret is that they use catchy headline for their articles to generate curiosity in audience.

Hit your audience feelings. Push their emotional button. For example humor is highly effective tool for producing content like UPhon GSM video did. Deliver what you are promising in your subject lines or headlines, otherwise your audience get disappoint from you. Focus on analytics of how your content is performing instead of chasing vitality of content.

4.     Remove Clutter:

  Your audience’s brain can’t burn too many calories for you. If you’re not offering your customer desired product or service, people will move on from you to figure out what they desire.

Stop doing one man show. The real reason of not being able to achieve preferred result on your website is self-efficacy. It is the belief that you have all skills to execute the whole actions in a specific situation. 

An easy way to create your audience confidence is to make your design easy to read and easy to perceive. Follow these 3 steps to make your design audience friendly
  •        Remove all elements that distract your audience intention
  •        Create sensible and clear navigation
  •        Make your call to action more visible and stand alone on your web page

By using your creativity and points mentioned above, you can sketch a content that appeals your audience in a real and meaningful way.
